Interrail Economics
I finally went on an Interrail trip. Normally people do this when they are just out of school, I was surprised that there is no age limit for the tickets. They just get a little bit more expensive when you get older, but I am still in the cheapest category. Apparently for the people at Interrail you are “youth” until the age of 27. I am writing this down, because I wanted to know, if buying the Interrail ticket is more economic than just buying single tickets.
On How This Website Was Built
This first post does not have anything to do with traveling, but on how to I set up this website. It was surprisingly easy and the whole deployment process is awesome.
First of all, you might have already seen it in the sidebar, this website is powered by Hugo. Hugo is a static site generation written in Go. If you are not familiar with static site generators I will give you a quick break down.